Fickt Diese Stadt I kind of forgot about this site after I made it. This is just going to be a stream of consciousness. A long time ago, probably a year or so ago I realized where I live currently is not where I want to be for the rest of my life. I can't say that I'm mad that I grew up here, but this town has gotten worse the past couple years, and the city council wonders why everybody is leaving. The construction projects that have been federally funded have driven up the prices of everything. My nieghbor started crying when she got the notice of rent increasing by a couple hundred bucks. I can only afford this place now because I work in a factory. Whatever, shit sucks. Did you listen to the new FIDLAR EP? it's not bad. I like Get Off My Wave. I've been listening to a lot of The Dead Milkmen recently. Good band and Big Lizard is a great album. If you're wondering "Why is this site called The Enigma?" Well, it's an inside joke with some of my friends spanning back a few years. I love you all, Charles